The image shows the Tarkov hideout and a letter written in Russian. The title says "Instant Upgrades" and refers to the first pre-wipe event.

Pre-wipe Event 1

Finally, the pre-wipe events in Escape from Tarkov are underway! The first Tarkov pre-wipe event isn’t too dramatic or out of the ordinary: all hideout upgrades are immediate. In short, you no longer have to wait for days if you’re keen on constructing something impressive, like the Bitcoin Farm or the Scav Box. If you’re still hunting for some coins for the “Terragroup Trail” task, this might be your golden opportunity!

You’re likely asking two significant questions: what’s the next event, and when is the wipe? As for the next event, we could see all bosses on a single map or gain free entry to Labs, although these are purely speculative. When it comes to the exact wipe date… Well, it’s anyone’s guess, but typically, the pre-wipe events last for roughly 10-14 days. So, a ballpark estimate would be the end of next week, around August 18th. Don’t forget to follow me on Twitter for real-time updates!

